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In The Know Magazine can helps boost the visibility and credibility of SMEs, which ultimately increases their profitability.
Establish your expertise before thousands of business owners
ITK Magazine was created for SMEs. It offers a fount of knowledge, rich opinion, topical content and thought-provoking propositions.
Our reach across social media is growing every day. Whether you've just started your business or you've been trading a while, prove your unique expertise to your peers, current clients and potential leads and submit an article to the ITK team.
We can promote your article to a wider audience
A paid-for service, the ITK team can do this through targeted social media advertising, via our email list, and by word of mouth. A backlink to your site is also one of the easiest ways to build your website's SEO.
Want to contribute regularly?
Would you like to become a regular contributor to ITK Magazine? Once you've had three articles published on the site you will be added to our content creator section. On your contributor profile, you can describe, and link to, your business, as well as add your logo and contact details. All the articles you publish with ITK will be under one URL for you to share with your audience.