Another use for Zoom
To help people get it on…

Apparently, Zoom is not just a tool for businesspeople across the world who are unable to network in person due to Covid-19.
According to reports, Zoom has become one of the major tools for the single-and-ready-to-mingle out there.
Replacing the ‘casual drinks in the local pub to scout someone out’, Zoom is filling a gap for those looking to find love. Though the initial match may be made on Tinder or similar online dating sites, to ensure someone is not being catfished, and before committing to a ‘proper’ date, people are arranging Zoom meetings to see how their intended date looks, sounds and comes across over video.
Unfortunately, if an unscrupulous person deems their match as not suitable, there have been cases of ‘sudden problems with the internet/signal/software’ that seemingly crashes the Zoom meeting and cuts things short (i.e. unfeeling wooers do a runner, blaming their technology).
If the ‘scoping out’ date over Zoom goes well, however, in these times of varying social distancing rules and regulations, couples are using the software to hold online dates…e.g. sharing a meal over video or a glass of wine, watching the same programme on Netflix with Zoom running in the background—despite being in separate houses throughout.
It’s not just romancers using Zoom for other things than business conferences. For instance, friends across the UK are arranging Zoom meetings to cook and bake the same recipe at the same time; they discuss the process and generally chat away to each other as they complete the task. With a significant portion of households across the UK unable to mix with others, video software is helping people cling to some semblance of a social life.

Groups and societies use Zoom for online events with members. Book groups, walking societies, painting classes and psychic meetings have all used Zoom through lockdown to continue with the same practices they’d carry out offline. That none of the participants are together physically may detract slightly from the experience, but it seems that there’s a consensus that, when you’re unable to mix with people in person, Zoom events like these are better than nothing and can be enjoyable in different ways.
People have even held party nights, home-pub quizzes, and karaoke sessions over video. Finding the party atmosphere when it’s just you and the cat within the same four walls you’re bored of (because 2020 has effectively kept you prisoner for your own protection)…well, that seems like it would need a bit more imagination and effort to me; good on anyone who can do that.
It’s clear that the health and wellbeing industry has benefitted from Zoom and similar programs - from yoga classes, personal fitness training sessions and mindfulness sessions; being physically present has not been a barrier at all. Some people have even found that they prefer to work out/destress alone as the gym can be overwhelming/uncomfortable for them.
Given that the coronavirus has stopped us enjoying our usual entertainment, we’ve had to find new ways to escape the daily grind without actually going anywhere. Zoom is the next best thing to physically being present and innovative users have incorporated the program into their pastimes rather than give them up completely. And why not…isn’t that what technology is for?

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