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Diane Hall

Diane Hall is the editor of, and main contributor to, ITK Magazine. She heads up the rest of the team and makes all the editorial decisions concerning article submissions. She's been an editor for more than two decades and also runs a small, independent book publishing company, The Writing Hall (TWH Publishing) outside of ITK.

Man caculating costs

Keep a handle on costs when starting your business


It may be tempting, from a credibility point of view, to appear ‘established’ when launching your business. Whilst a professional image is a plus, this doesn’t have to equal expensive offices..

Young woman working to build her career.

Are entrepreneurs born or made


At 10 years old, Richard Branson grew Christmas trees to sell. Aged 9, Jo Malone, the candle-making giant, was already dabbling with fragrances, making her own perfume from flowers in her garden and grated soap.

The word hustle on a sticker on a concrete block

Back to normal back to the grindstone


In a matter of days, most of the restrictions we’ve been living under will be lifted. One of these is the recommendation to work from home; the government will leave it up to employers to decide whether they continue with remote working

Opportunity words on a phone screen

There are opportunities in a crisis


The pandemic has been brutal to most businesses. Pubs, restaurants, the travel industry…I could cite more examples of sectors that have been hugely impacted by social distancing rules and the restrictions of various lockdowns.

The pros and cons of a 4 day week


The pandemic has seen a number of business people and employees assess their working situations. Whether they’re in a fulfilling career, if they’re prepared to go back to commuting or if they wish to permanently work from home.

Automation with little robots

Can you automate all the jobs you hate in your business


Look to the public sector, namely supermarkets, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) evokes a lot of fear amongst their employees. ‘AI will eventually take my job!’ is a common fear that’s often voiced.

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